Everything you need to know in the palm of your hand

The Guest app©

Effortless and instant.  Your personalized mobile app

The perfect match for your business

Your clients expect digital services. To meet expectations you need to understand the benefits digital tools offer: reduce workload, optimize workflow, improve customer service and increase productivity. That’s just the tip of the iceberg as to what your business gains with a personalized mobile app.
Are you concerned it might be costly in terms of time and money?
Don’t worry we provide everything you need to run the app – it’s easy to update and is managed within the entvbox system – we can even run it for you!  Whether it’s for your hotel, clinic, shop, restaurant….rest assured we offer straightforward solutions for both you and your customers.

Native app and web version

Customer service at your fingertips

Smartphone screens are without doubt the most valuable space on the planet. The mobile app gives you direct access to your clients. A quick and easy way for clients to find what they’re looking for – when they’re looking for it.  It’s never been easier to keep your clients close to hand
A few of our clients favourites:
– News and recommendations
– Services that need a reservation (Spa, massages, etc.)
– Daily and weekly entertainment program
– Recommended excursions
– Restaurants, menus. dishes of the day
– Health tips
– Available upgrades
– Gifts, products
– Time and weather


Rest assured service

Choose how and where to display your content.
  • We help and advise in selecting the best possible content and features for your app.  We then set it up and running for you.  A high quality customized app tailored to your business needs.
  • The easy online editing system allows you to update content anytime, anywhere.
Our clients love our support.
  • Having chosen the content you will receive free training on how to run the app from our support team.
  • Our support team and chatline is always available to answer queries whenever needed. We guarantee you will not be left hanging.
  • International clients?  No problem.  We have an international team to keep communication running smoothly


Advantages of the mobile app

Reduce workload
Frequently asked questions answered immediately. Services can be booked and workflow  optimized. All with no additional effort.
Easy access
Guests simply download the app from the app stores (iOS and Android) or access it by QR code and their internet browser.
The abundance of flyers and brochures has long since gone. The mobile app is an eco-friendly and sustainable replacement.
Guest satisfaction
Guests expect digital services. Meet their expectations and enhance
your brand with the
mobile app.

FAQ about the app

The entire app is available in German, English, Spanish and Catalan. This includes menus, texts, titles, …
We create the app along with content for your business. Once up and running you can manage your content with the online content management system – entvboxQ. Both the app and infochannel are managed from the same system making it easy to update content with just a few clicks in real-time.
No, not at all. The app operates as a BYOD (bring your own device). Your guests simply need their own mobile phone – after all this is the most comfortable and easiest solution for them and can be used wherever and whenever they want.

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Deixa’ns les teves dades de contacte. Et respondrem tan aviat com sigui possible.