Digital signs make good business

Entvbox info channels

Infochannels for every screen…tvs, monitors, mobiles


Our attention is naturally drawn to screens making them an extremely valuable space for every business.  Show customers you care with a tailored infochannel highlighting your latest offers, news, tips, weather…you choose!  Correctly placed you will sell more for less work with better customer service.  What more can you ask?

Advise, inform and highlight your latest offers

Tailored solutions

Use the latest technology to keep guests informed and entertained. The use of QR codes gives guests the choice to access further information on their smartphones and tablets.
This is just some of our clients favourite content:
– News and recommendations
– Services that need booking (Spa, massages, etc.)
– Daily and weekly entertainment programme
– Recommended excursions
– Selection of dishes
– Selection of products
– Time and weather

Simple by design

It really is that easy

All you need is a television, monitor, or a distribution system (TV headend with encoder) with HDMI port and internet access. You may even use tvs already installed to save extra costs. We provide you with a with a mini PC and pre-installed software, all set and ready for you to plug in and use.
Want to broadcast multiple channels? No problem. Simply set up different channels for different areas of your premises.

We take care of the setup

No worries

We know you have a lot on your plate. That’s why we are there every step of the way in setting up the Info Channel for you.
And we don’t top there… entvboxQ is an easy to use online content management system but if you really are pushed for time we are happy to run it for you.  Either way we are always on hand to offer advice and answer any questions you may have.

Start benefiting now

Advantages of the Info Channel

Attract attention

We are naturally drawn to screens. Entertain, inform, inspire your clients and enhance customer care with digital services.

Reduce workload

Content updates with the click of a button leads to happy well informed clients. No more lengthy queues and no costly maintenance

Increase production

Use the channel to promote offers along with add-on services and countless cross-selling

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Deixa’ns les teves dades de contacte. Et respondrem tan aviat com sigui possible.