5 essential tips before hiring digital signage

Digital signage has changed the way we communicate.  However, many businesses are missing the point.  To get the most from your investment consider this before you buy:

1 What do you want to achieve? Make sure you have a defined goal otherwise your signage may struggle to deliver results.

2 Know your audience.  This is critical to your success enabling you to tailor content for your customers needs.  The better you know them the more impactful your signage will be.

3 The best hardware and software for your business:  Digital signage has become a broad term for many solutions.  Be sure to choose what’s best for you and your business. 

4 Content is everything.  It’s really important to have a strong content strategy.  Poorly executed content is more likely to undermine your business.

5 Budget wisely.  Digital signage is so much more than buying a screen and plugging in a player.   With subscriptions and updating content, choose a system that scales alongside your business.

Digital signage is an exciting step, but for it to be successful you must be clear with your goals, know your audience and develop a content strategy.   Take time to choose a company that understands you and sticks around once the paint has set.

For a free consultation, contact us.

Infochannels  |  Content

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